Electricity utility – Plant documentation

An established alternative energy supplier has acquired various production facilities over the past 20 years. The acquired wind power plants and photovoltaic systems are incoherent and poorly documented. In the course of a necessary renewal of a wind power park, it turns out that a lot of documentation is disorganized and sometimes difficult to find. This represents an operational, financial and legal risk for the further development of the company.
Lenotti Advisors was mandated to structure the existing system documentation. Together with the 8 employees in the production department, a new structure was developed after analyzing the existing filing structure. The project should have little impact on the day-to-day operations of the department. The filing structure, which is the same for each project, has made project handovers and substitutions by colleagues much easier. A naming convention for easier identification has been introduced for all documents. The entire filing structure was documented, it was determined which documentation is to be stored where or not to be stored. Renewal and further development of the production facilities is possible without hindrance while avoiding operational, financial and legal risks.