Large Chemicals Company – Records Management

With this customer, great risks arose from years of neglect and non-maintenance of the paper archive and various electronic files. An organizational realignment of the customer service department uncovered various problems with a potentially high risks for the management.
A chemical company exports around 15,000 t of products for over EUR 100 million per year to the entire CEE region via a network of intermediate storage facilities. During the reorganization of the customer services department in Vienna, serious deficiencies in the documentation of export/sales transactions with regard to value added tax and customs duties become apparent.
Various risks are also identified in the filing of the core contract documentation, the purchasing and finance departments. Lenotti Advisors has restructured the aforementioned documentation with the involvement of the employees. The creation of training documents and the introduction of a document management guideline ensure that documentation that is required to be retained is stored in a legally compliant manner. At the same time, productivity gains are generated and operational, legal and financial risks are minimized.